@mljevakovic wrote:
After a couple days without connecting to Virl Master I've got again message
"[Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/etc/salt/pki/minion/minion_master.pub'.
I've reset keys and ID and the error the same.Salt Status: "Current status is: Master contact was not established. Last call home check result was: Call has timed out; failed to connect or minion key not accepted. " Host: eu-1.virl.info DNS is OK. Ping is OK. Port 4505 is OK. Port 4506 is OK. Connect is X.
and it is the same for all for eu slat servers.
Any help
result of command "sudo salt-call -l debug test.ping
"more results from commands
neutron agent-list sudo virl_health_status | grep listening sudo virl_health_status | grep -A 4 -e hostid -e product
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